Redeem Point Balance

Member can check all the details of reward points gained or to be awarded.

a. The total amount of P & E Points gained with following details are listed out for ease of reference.
- Invoice/Transaction No.
- Partner
- Transaction Type
- Amount
- Point Earn (Used)
- Points Type

b. The amount of Pending P & E Points to be awarded from the Refer A Friend and China Member Linkage programs are also shown for member to follow up the necessary actions in order to gain more reward points

For Pending P Points arising from the Refer A Friend program, details of all the Pending P Points in relation to each of the refereed members are shown. Member can make use of the information to figure out a best ways to maximize the reward points.
For Pending E Points arising from the China Linkage program, details of all the Pending E points in relation to each of associated members are shown. Member can make use of the information to follow up with his/her friends to grant the reward point.