Product Authentication Label
To reduce our member's risk of buying fake or counterfeit products, our Product Authentication Label Checking Service will provide member via email the authentication details of products of the following brands which our member has purchased in our authorised shop in Hong Kong or China. Within 15 days from date of purchase, member can acquire the authentication details which will generally cover the manufacture date, batch number, expiry date, invoice information, 1st checking member username and checking history for each corresponding purchased product. Should the authentication information are different from the information shown on the orignal product label of the purchased product and the transaction details, the member is strongly advised to contact and clarify with the shop where the member has purchased the product. Such unique Product Authentication Label Checking Service is considered to be an effective method to help our member reduce the risks of buying fake and counterfeit products. The maximum number of checks for each product is limited to five for the membership year of 2015.
Please click the following links of manufacturers or products to enjoy the free Product Authentication Label Checking Service provided by Redeem Point Club.